Rustic Black Farmhouse Dining Chairs

Rustic Black Farmhouse Dining Chairs

I recently decided to put my original matching dining room chairs into storage, and purchased six vintage, mismatched dining room chairs. I lived with them being brown for quite some time, but on a whim, I decided to go for the rustic black farmhouse look that I really wanted on these dining room chairs. I used some black chalk paint and matte polycrylic to get the look I wanted.

Fresh Cut Lilac Branches

Fresh Cut Lilac Branches

Lilacs are one of the first flowering bushes in our area and I enjoy gathering Lilacs to make arrangements to place in the rooms of our home. I also love the way they fill the house with their delightful scent. They never last long but with a few simple tips I have learned I how I can keep fresh cut Lilac branches in our home.